Implementation of Warehouse Infrastructure De-Risking, Upgrades, and Operational Improvements

Niger | The Global Fund | 2023

Key Technical Areas:
Warehouse improvement project management

Project Overview

PICMA received a contract from the Ministry of Health in Niger (through the Global Fund country grant) to complete the restoration of the Route Fillingue warehouse by removing flammable partitioning and installing an air conditioning system, together with a back-up power generator.

The goal of the project was to reduce fire risk and improve the storage conditions for health products in the warehouse by better controlling the air temperature. PICMA procured and installed all the necessary equipment, trained the warehouse staff, and handed over the revised warehouse back to L’Office National des Produits Pharmaceutiques et Chimique (ONPPC).

PICMA has led construction projects across Africa including pharma-grade warehouses (in Nigeria, Tanzania, Rwanda, Cote D’Ivoire, Mali), and storage units in Malawi (over 400 storage-in-a-box units) and Zambia (approximately 50 units). Our skills include the design, cost estimation, procurement, importation, and assembly of these warehouses and units.